Public Access Solutions
Journal Public Access Solutions
Welcome to Journal Public Access Solutions, where we extend court services beyond traditional boundaries, providing citizens and businesses with 24/7 access to vital case information, electronic filing, online payments, and more. Our suite of ancillary products, including ePay-it and eFile-it, offer secure and user-friendly services that empower individuals to interact with the justice system conveniently and efficiently. These offerings play a pivotal role in modernizing court operations, enhancing access to justice, and delivering improved outcomes for all.
ePay-it: Secure, Simple, Streamlined Court Payments
What is ePay-it?
A pillar of JTI’s Public Access Solutions, ePay-it is a cloud-hosted payment portal designed to streamline the process of making online payments for court-associated fees. From traffic tickets to fines, restitution, collections, and more, ePay-it offers you 24/7 access to services, simplifying court transactions. The service is hosted through Amazon Web Services, a fully FedRAMP compliant cloud service provider, ensuring your data is always secure, available, and protected.

Why Choose ePay-it?
Seamless Integration
All-in-One Solution
Accessible & Mobile Responsive
Compliant & Secure
Affordable Pricing
Reduced Courthouse Foot Traffic
Omni-Channel Payments
Fully Managed
At a Glance
Benefits to Users
- Simple web interface across devices (desktop, laptop, phone, tablet)
- Payments are applied to their case immediately
- No waiting in line
- Reminder notifications when a payment is due
- 24/7 access
- Confirmation number and receipt is given upon payment
- No need for stamps, envelopes or mailing addresses
Benefits to Agencies
- Cloud hosting reduces resources and infrastructure costs
- Cuts labor costs used to process payments
- Helps increase collections on existing cases
- Reduces the amount of traffic entering agency facilities
- Eliminates or lessens delays in processing payments and updating files
- Full eCourt integration with immediate case updating after payments are received
- Automatic relay of information to DMV (when appropriate)
Elevate your court's payment processes with the unrivaled convenience, security, and efficiency of ePay-it.
eFile-it: The Future of Court Filings
What is eFile-it?
eFile-it is an all-encompassing solution for preparing, submitting, routing, and reviewing court filings, delivering an efficient, seamless process to both courts and filers. Purpose-built for courts and affiliated users, including justice partners, organizations, attorneys, and self-represented litigants, eFile-it streamlines court filing processes, reduces costs, and enhances access to justice.

Why Choose eFile-it?
eFile-it has been purpose-built with specialized capabilities tailored for court needs, offering unique features like electronic signatures, automatic fee assessments and routing, integration with court systems, a separate system for reviewing and accepting/rejecting filings, and built-in case initiation forms. Explore the convenience of multiple filing options through our Electronic Filing Service Provider (EFSP) whitelisting program and count on stringent security features protecting the integrity and confidentiality of your filings.
Enhanced Security
Flexibility & Scalability
Jurisdictional Compliance
Tailored for Court Needs
Configuration Capabilities
Auto Fee Assessment & Work Queue Routing
Built-in Case Initiation Forms
At a Glance
Benefits to Courts
- Cuts labor costs used to process filings
- Offers paperless solution
- Reduces the amount of foot traffic entering court facilities
- Eliminates or lessens delays in processing filings, updating files and scanning
- Filers charged after filing is accepted, reducing insufficient funds issues
Benefits to Users
- Simple web interface across devices (desktop, laptop, phone, tablet)
- No waiting in line
- 24/7 access
- Conformed documents and billing info provided electronically
- Filing costs are automatically estimated
- Support for fee waivers, government filers and other fee exemptions
- No need for stamps, envelopes or mailing addresses
- Approved filers can use ACH (electronic funds transfer) for frequent filing
Experience the future of court filings with eFile-it.
Access to justice is a fundamental right and an essential component of the rule of law. It ensures fairness in the legal processes and promotes equality. But, traditional court filing methods, with their reliance on physical presence, paperwork, and limited working hours, can often present barriers. These can disproportionately affect individuals with limited resources, time constraints, mobility issues, or those living in remote areas. Electronic filing solutions like eFile-it are playing a pivotal role in enhancing access to justice. eFile-it was designed, particularly, with access to justice in mind: With features like multilingual help text, video links, step-by-step filing instructions, and an intuitive data entry wizard, we’ve made the process easier, especially for self-represented litigants. Further eFile-it inclusivity measures include support for fee waivers, government filers, and other fee exemptions. At JTI, we are dedicated to modernizing court systems, enhancing access to justice, and delivering improved outcomes for all parties involved. Join us in embracing the future of court filings with eFile-it.